2019 is already a week old, and I have been thinking about what is ahead, but I don’t have a crystal ball. Many of you started with a resolution that you would change yourself somehow this year. Lose weight, exercise,…
Blog Posts
The Year I Screamed “I Hate Christmas”
The stress of choices, disappointments, of not being able to be good enough, of not being able to provide a Christmas without an elephant in my heart became a weight I didn’t want to bear. It was impossible to explain what I couldn’t understand myself.
Generosity Sparks the Season
The Christmas season is upon us. Seasonal music plays on every radio station; TV filled vacant slots with seasonal Holiday specials and Classics. Every place you go the sounds, lights, and smells of the Holiday greet you. It becomes overwhelming…
Life Lesson 2: Five Components To An Apology
“I’m sorry…I said I’m sorry…Listen, Didn’t you hear me? I said I am sorry. What more do you want?” Saying “I’m sorry,” over and over for the same repeated `behavior fails to demonstrate repentance, branding your admissions worthless. The meaningless…
Happy Thanksgiving! I want you, my community of readers, to know how thankful I am for each of you. Thank you, for taking a few minutes to read the weekly blog post. Thank you, for sharing my words with others.…
Four Tips to Offset Thanksgiving Stress
The Thanksgiving Feast is nine-days away. Changes to menus and seating charts occur with almost every phone call. Travel plans are firm, and ears are alert for weather changes. A long list of “Things To Do” sits on…