What Do We All Have In Common?

               We look upon the enemy of our souls as a conquered foe, so he is, but only to God, not to us. Oswald Chambers

Did you know we share the same enemy? It doesn’t matter where we are, who we are if we believe in Jesus or don’t.  If you are human and living on the earth, God created then we share a common enemy

I am not talking about the red costumed devil with a barbed pitchfork seen in movies, cartoons, and Halloween décor. But, if you can picture a fire consumed with the evil in the world; a being with vacant uncaring eyes, hissing lies like the villain in silent movies. Satan is not a cartoon he is the existence of evil.

I am afraid of snakes. I am also terrified of the Evil One.

While writing this, I experienced a flashback to a mountain hike with my mother and brother. I was seven. My mother led us up following a dry creek trail. Suddenly, I spied a harmless garden snake. Screaming “snake, snake” I ran and tumbled straight down the mountainside. Mother is yelling “stop” until I did. I remember looking up and seeing them far up the hillside as I sat crying. My brother, picking up the snake as it wiggled in his tight fist. To me, the devil was the snake

Satan, disguised as the serpent, who talked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.

Satan, the Evil One, employed the serpent again to temp Jesus who had fasted for forty days.

Satan tormented Job and taunted God Job’s faith wasn’t strong enough.

I am still afraid of snakes, my symbol of the evil one. I don’t run; now, I prepare to fight.

Many of us don’t know about Satan. A year ago the Holy Spirit urged me to start telling others of the dangers of Satan. I started then stopped. Fear got the best of me.

I want to speak to everyone now.

Jesus teaches us about Satan because it is IMPORTANT. A warrior does not go into battle without understanding the enemy he is fighting. #Understandyourenemy #LynLivingston.com
John 10:10 is a verse I always read in different translations. I like the Voice the best.

The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy; I came to give life with joy and abundance.”

Since Satan’s mission is to rob us of God’s joy and promises he is often called a thief. The mask is over his eyes so we won’t recognize him. Crouching like a lioness among the bushes and cover he slithers slowly with malicious intent.

He doesn’t want to be your friend he wants to steal your friends. He doesn’t want to help you get into school; he wants to slaughter your dreams like mass shootings dominating the news. He intends to destroy everything he can in a short amount of time. Then attack again

Satan doesn’t tempt us to make us do wrong things. He lures us to steal what God has built in us, being of value to God.

Remember this. Jesus came to give us eternal life with God’s joy and abundant love.



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