Strive for Unity This July 4th

I started thinking this morning about what I should write about as we prepare to celebrate July 4th. Yes, I know I should have thought about this sooner!

As I started thinking about the importance of this celebration and July 4th, 1776, the word unity came to mind.

As Americans, we unite to celebrate our declared independence from the British government and monarch, George III. Families gather, cities host celebrations and children stay up way past bedtime to watch fireworks explode in the dark sky. We march in parades and wave tiny American flags singing patriotic songs.

The first American flag had thirteen stars in a circle that showed their unity like King Author’s knights of the round table—separate, equal and united to the greatest good of the people. Today we see fifty stars on the same blue background arranged in rows filling the space.

Unity? I wonder if we have lost our unity to come together to celebrate our freedoms? It seems we have become individuals destined to pursue our separate quest for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I am proud to be an American and to live in this Nation; to fly the flag to honor the people.

I pray that this July 4th we unite for one day, without regard to the color of our skin, our political views, or religious beliefs.

Will you join me in one easy step?

 Tell someone who is different than you that you are proud they are an American too. Shake their hand, give them a hug, celebrate with a high-five to rejoice that in this nation each of us is created equal. Then keep unity in your heart for as long as you can.

I hope as individuals we take time to celebrate our culture as united Americans. Remembering our culture starts with these words;

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

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