You Are Unique, So Am I

Comparing ourselves to others has the potential to undermine our confidence, destroy our worthiness, and corrode positivity. Comparison is one of the Evil One’s tools to distract us away from our purpose. Falling into his trap is easy.

          When we are the hands and feet of God, He wants us to do our best. He wants us to delight in our service and share our joy. However, when we boast about how well we did or hold our service over someone to keep them below us or show them how much better we are, we are not glorifying God.

          I know some of my readers do not believe in God. I want you to Remember, the devil wants to keep non-believers away from God and he will do anything to keep you from taking a step from comparison to compassion.

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside you.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

When we look in the mirror and don’t see the beauty God made and everyday state I wish I had a nose like Suze Q or a mouth like Barbie. We are telling ourselves, “God messed up making me, I am not beautiful enough, smart enough, or something is wrong with me, that’s why no one can love me.

Ask yourself, “What am I saying to those around me and myself?” Am I trying so hard to be like others that I have forgotten who I am inside? Give yourself the freedom to be yourself.

 “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

I love this quote by Coco Chanel. She recognized who she was and dared to be different, to be and show who she was.

Let me proclaim this over each of you.

         When God created you in his image, He created something unique, beautiful, and wondrously special. There is no one else like you. You are one of a kind. You have a purpose!

If the statement above is true then how can you compare yourself to anyone?

I hope you will tuck those words of wisdom deep in your heart. I hope you carry them with you to remind yourself how unique you are.  

        This was a hard lesson for me to learn. I felt I was flawed, unworthy, and every time I let my personality shine, I was soon put down. My voice carried, I was too loud, I didn’t just laugh I roared. With every complaint, I wished I was different, and I shut down who I was so I could be included.  I slowly turned into a negative persona that I didn’t recognize.

          When I stopped trying to please everyone, I went through a slow transition to who God created me to be. I overcame the painful memories that were locked in the trunk of my heart. As I saw the pain for what it was, I discovered the why. I wasn’t flawed at all. God created me as a unique, and wonderfully made gal with a purpose. No one else is like me. I have experienced life which enables me to share God’s glory, not hide from it. I am loved. I am joyful, and I found happiness in who I am. I can laugh with others, too.

 “Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.” – Shannon L. Alder

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