Humor is to Life What Shock Absorbers are to Automobiles.

            I am laughing as I write this. May I tell you about my morning?

            I spent part of the day talking with a dear friend. Before that, I was staring at a blank screen. The white block on my screen remained a blank piece of paper in my mind. I need inspiration. I had none. Everything I thought of seemed lame and unappealing. I went outside to see if the birds, squirrels, or dogs could inspire me. No birds, no squirrels, and the dogs stayed inside where it was cool.

            I prayed, “Heavenly Father, I need to write today. I am not inspired. I need your help.”

            I came back into the cool house and eased myself into the chair. At the same time, I spied a little purple book on the window sill.   “God’s Little Instruction Book For Women.” A gift from nineteen years ago. I picked it up and let it open on its own. “Humor is to life…” jumped out to me.

            But when I opened the internet browser for some reason the internet connection was down. I tried reconnecting with no luck. I walked into the living room, the router was flashing and the wi-fi hub a caution amber.

“Just what I need.” I unplugged the modem and plugged it back in a minute later. Anxious for everything to re-boot while a script played in my head scripted by Satan himself. (I know because it was all negative.)

            Suddenly the teal green light came on, remaining steady.  By the time I returned to the office the computer was re-connected. I was back in business.

            Or was I? I started laughing and laughing. “God, you have a strange way of showing me your humor today,” I continued to laugh, I was smiling a broad smile, then I was laughing again. What could have been the catalysis for upsetting my day had turned into an afternoon of joy, love and feeling God’s presence which, I delight to share with you.

            Shock absorbers have the purpose of absorbing jolts, unexpected derailments, and bumps on the road. The energy of the jolts and potholes are displaced so the car’s passengers have a smooth ride.

            God can be the shock absorber of my life and yours too. All we have to do is ask for help. He is willing and able to absorb all the bumps, unexpected jolts, jars, and pain our life has to offer. He delights in our laughter and singing when we praise Him for His faithfulness. He is our shield to Satan’s negative tapes stored in our mind never play but is turned off with our faith.   

            When our neighbors and co-workers or family see how God protects us from the bumps and jolts and how even in the rocky section, we appear to have a smooth ride. They will say, “I wish I could have what she has. What is her secret?”

            Then you can say, ”It’s no secret. Jesus is my salvation and my shock absorber.”

  • Do you have a story showing God’s Humor? Tell us about it in the comments…
  • How do you depend on God to shape your day?

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2 thoughts on “Humor is to Life What Shock Absorbers are to Automobiles.

  1. Lyn, that’s the joy of life isn’t it—letting God be our “shock absorber”. Love it. Blessings to you. Miss seeing you.

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