Do you ever have a longing in your heart you need to spend more time with God? I asked myself this question before I came to the family cabin in the mountains of southwest Colorado. I pray every morning, read…
Love in Action: Pay it Forward – Valentine Blessings
Blessings scattered throughout every day. Some are small and hard to see or feel. Some are large and can’t be missed or forgotten. Some are part of everyday life and often taken for granted. Blessings are a gift from God…
Love in Action: What do Baby-Boomers and Millennials’ Have in Common?
It’s not contagious, but you can die from the effects. It’s not something your doctor will routinely scan for. It has many symptoms, but it’s not a disease. I discovered this mystery one weekend morning while halfway listening to…
How Anticipation and Fear Work Together
“Relax,” I told myself as I laid down on the large therapy table, adjusting my body to the firmness and cool vinyl covering. I watched the squirrels through the window scampering up the bare tree as I attempted to block…
Thankful-Living: Four Points to Make Thank You Notes Easier
A week after Christmas, when I was growing up, my mother would sit my brother and me down at the kitchen table and provide us with clean paper and a pencil to write thank you notes. Each of us had…
Do You Need a New Year Restart?
2019 is already a week old, and I have been thinking about what is ahead, but I don’t have a crystal ball. Many of you started with a resolution that you would change yourself somehow this year. Lose weight, exercise,…