May I, Please

This morning I watch as Baretta, my 17-month-old puppy, tries to find a way to get farther than the end of her tie-out. She wants to cross the stream, cross the bridge, or cross the road. Each time she looks back at me with a questioning gaze.

“May I, please, cross the road?”  “No, I don’t want you chasing the deer.”

“May I, please, cross the bridge?”  “No, I don’t want you to get lost.”

“May I, please, get in the water?”  “No, the water is too swift.”

At the same time, I was struck by this thought; that must be the way I act when I am waiting for my next step from Jesus.

If I cross the stream here, I could pull the abundant dandelions.  God? Did you hear me?

If I cross the bridge there, a new community is waiting. God? Do you see it?

If I cross the road I could discover who lives in the brown house. God? Do they know you? Can I please cross the road?

God—please give me an answer.  Even if it is not the one I want; show me the one where your will is done.

The Holy Spirit spoke, “Wait–wait for me before you act.”

Today, my assignment is to wait.

Are you waiting for God to answer a prayer or give you a next step?

How does Psalm 27:14 give you hope?

If you have a prayer request I would love to pray for you.

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