Listening to the Holy Spirit

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Question: How do you listen for the Holy Spirit?

Last week I was asked this question.  How do you listen to the Holy Spirit?

My goal today is to offer a simple answer to inspire you and perhaps lead to more questions. The Holy Spirit is a complex individual. Responses to the question depend primarily on how each of us views the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we believe in a triune God—the Father, Jesus, the Son.and the Holy Spirit.

When I returned to intentional participation within the Church after decades of absence, one of the first things I perceived centered around people talking about their relationship with Jesus and the Father. At that time, A relationship with God was similar to speaking in a foreign language. Somehow, I mustered up the courage to ask the pastor, who encouraged me to build my heavenly relationships as I developed a lasting friendship with him.

It was easy to picture an image of the Father or Jesus in my mind base on famous art and bible stories. Quickly, I realized I did have relationships with them, and I desired a more intimate relationship them. However, like the majority of Christians, I left the Holy Spirit out. We are aware He is there. But a close connection in a relationship is rarely discussed. Yet, it is vital.

Through my relationships with God, I started viewing the Holy Spirit in a different light. He was with God at creation. (Genisis 1:2b). The Spirit descended from the heavens and rested on Jesus in the form of a dove. (Matthew 6:13 The Spirit sealed our soul the moment we believed in Jesus. (Ephesians 1:13) The Spirit is the Word of God, power, love compassion, truth, wisdom, and understanding. Is the Spirit a person? Oh yes. He is our teacher, guide, counselor, intercessor; He prays for us, and when Jesus spoke to the disciples, He spoke of the Spirit as He. (John16:12-15) Yes, the Spirit is a person, He is God, He is the third Godhead.

Having a relationship with the Holy Spirit completed my faith. My faith journey became exciting and sustaining through interacting with the Spirit of God. My heart skips a beat when I hear His whisper. My soul flutters when He guides me through a discovery of truth. He gives me discernment, wisdom, and understanding when I need it and the words to speak or write when I lack confidence. I don’t think the English language possesses the words to describe the awesomeness of God living in a relationship within me. He is the essence of the Father and Jesus, the Word of truth, the heart, and the soul of God. Hallelujah, to God, be the glory, Amen.

My relationship with the Holy Spirit won’t be the same as yours. We are unique and will experience Him in different ways. The first time I prayed to the Holy Spirit, I felt awkward and ill-prepared in knowing what to say. The feeling I was betraying the Father and Jesus was overwhelming to the point my palms were sweating, and my voice trembled. Once I said His name, I just sat, my rambling thoughts speaking for me. I was overwhelmed as the presence of God engulfed me.

I know there are times when I need one Godhead more than another, and times I desire all three.

To maintain my relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Father, and Jesus, there are three actions I consider necessary to listen actively.

  • Make quiet time with God a top priority appointment.
  • Study the Bible through personal study or a Bible study.
  • Prayer is simple. Spend time in conversation with God.

Scripture informs us whenever we draw close to God; He draws close to us. The more we know who God is, the more we sense His presence.  To enhance your spiritual life, try some of these suggestions. Seek what works best for you.

  • Attend your Church regularly.
  • Serve others in Church or your community
  • Join a small group
  • Join a Bible study
  • Journal
  • Listen to worship music
  • Sit quietly for ten plus minutes and listen
  • Memorize scripture
  • Read different translations of the Bible. Pick one or two that stand out to you.

Friends, if you don’t have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, you may not recognize His communication. The Holy Spirit doesn’t want to just dwell in your soul as a seal. He came to be your advocate, teacher, guide, and to impart to you, understanding, wisdom, discernment. He wants to partner with you when you reach out to Him.

You may not be able to hear the Holy Spirit and realize the awesomeness of His power when you don’t recognize His presence within you. Be mindful you grieve Him and remember to follow through with what He asks of you.

Thank you for your question dear friend.


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