I Am More Than ______?

Sunflowers always bring a smile

Anytime I struggle with my identity, it seems I struggle to answer this question. Several weeks ago, while I had an identity crisis after a doctor’s appointment, I discovered my reaction to the blank line determined a question or a statement.

A reaction based on doubt in my heart enables the lies of the Evil One to spark increasing uncertainty. Soon I lose sight of the truth— God’s truth.

A carefully laid trap placed by Satan when I was a child, harbor in my mind just waiting for an opportunity to morph into a monster quickly. Jesus warns of this danger in John 10:10a.

A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. (TPT)

It is the way he works; he will steal my confidence, slaughter my faith, and destroy my relationship with Jesus.  He doesn’t give up and uses every small thing to erode the most important relationship in my life. I can remember these attacks years ago lasting months as I fought to regain strength. My faith has matured over the years, and the Evil One’s ploys noticed at the first sign of change.  

I maintain my strength with God’s Word, worshiping, praying, attending Church (even if it is the online service), and studying. Habits started years ago pay off. Did you know that a habit like flossing your teeth can be broken in three days?

I act as soon as I feel the first pang of doubt. I pray for help in fighting this battle. I remove the question mark and turn it into a positive statement. “I am more than  ________.” It could be finances, a problem, chaos, illness, fear, or whatever triggered the doubt. I then add why. “I am a child of God and a devoted follower of Jesus.”

Yes, no matter what, I acknowledge God first. Then I will tell the Evil One, “Satan. Not Today, Not Tomorrow, Not ever. You are not welcome here. I am a child of God and sealed by the Holy Spirit. There is no room for you. Get out!”

The process works and maintains my heart for several years now. It stops the question mark before it breads negativity and turns it into a positive. With practice, one to two minutes is all the time required. Most importantly, through prayer and scripture, my focus is drawn toward my Heavenly Father and Jesus, reopening my heart to hear guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Listen to the words Jesus states in the second part of John 10:10b

But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!   

A beautiful promise statement from Jesus instills hope, not fear; the contrast between good and evil, displays crystal clear. A battle plan demonstrates you prepared for battle.

Do you have a battle plan.?  Feel free to take this one and adapt it to your battle needs. Just like Covid, the battle is real, so support each other in the Spirit of togetherness.

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