How do we know who God is? The Bible is the story of God, and it tells us what God has done and the attributes of His character and nature. There is much to learn.
Our relationship with Jesus
When God Handles My Problems
Have you ever had one of those weeks when the unexpected sparks a busyness, and you can’t seem to get things done? That is what this week became like for me.
It Stopped Basketball Part 2
Last week, I left you with some questions. I know some of you felt uncomfortable at times, but did you learn something from those feelings? You have had a week to simmer or forget. This week I am sharing my…
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Thursday, June 25, 2020 THE OKLAHOMA STANDARD Facebook The Oklahoma Standard is a statewide initiative preserving and promoting a culture of caring citizens by encouraging Acts of Service, Honor, and Kindness. Sunday, the Oklahoma Health Department reported 478 new Covid-19…
Examination of an Angry Outburst
As soon as I heard my raised voice scream into the phone, I knew I had lost the battle, not the struggle with the internet provider but the conflict within me. Angry Lyn had re-surfaced again.
Listening to the Holy Spirit
Thursday, August 13, 2020 Question: How do you listen for the Holy Spirit? Last week I was asked this question. How do you listen to the Holy Spirit? My goal today is to offer a simple answer to inspire you…