When God Handles My Problems

Have you ever had one of those weeks when the unexpected sparks a busyness, and you can’t seem to get things done?  That is what this week became like for me.

The week started busy as I knocked off many tasks off the To-Do List. I was proud I was productive.

Then, phone calls brought problems. The time required to handle these unseen issues ate into my scheduled activity.  OK, I don’t have an actual schedule, but I do have a plan of what to do.

Tuesday started with additional doctor appointments, followed by reorganizing blocks of time for the rest of the week. Besides increased phone calls and time to reflect on all that was happing.

I have a meme sitting on a towel holder in my bathroom.  Every time I wash my hands, I use the hand towel to dry, which prompts me to read my meme.

I don’t know how many times I gave another problem to God. The little things and the more important things. Additional doctor appointments go to God. The outcome of special testing went to God. After all, He is the only one who will get me through any issue, like He is doing right now. Insurance problems go to God—resulting in a fantastic reduction in rate, with better coverage. Only God can produce results turning, a problem into a blessing.

There was always enough time to do what I had to do. Time to rest, sleep, and pray. Studying God’s word became more meaningful as I let the Holy Spirit point to a direction I hadn’t thought of or applying it to my life.

What I considered a priority still got done. A little later than my schedule but completed just the same.  Jesus walks with me every step. My prayer for you today is you can see hope in my words and how little reminders throughout our day can prompt good change.

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